The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet: Will It Work for Me?

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There are a number of websites touting the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet.  Apple cider vinegar is more of a detox diet tool than an actual diet. The ancients used apple cider vinegar as an aid for purifying the blood. 

It has been used in modern times:

  • as a body detoxifier
  • to reduce bloating 
  • to help break down fat
  • to assist in purifying the blood
  • to suppress the appetite
  • to help balance blood sugar
  • as a free radical destroyer
  • to help nourish the body (it contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium)
  • to increase energy levels and metabolism

Apple cider vinegar taken prior to meals can aid digestion, which can lead to toxins being removed from the body more efficiently.  It is thought that it also helps to break up mucus in the body and cleanses the lymph nodes, which leads to improved lymph circulation.  Apple cider vinegar also has antibacterial properties. 

SECRET TIP:  When going to a picnic, potluck, or if planning to eat at a buffet, I always stir a tablespoon of acv into a glass of water and drink it prior to leaving the house.  I believe this has kept me from getting an “intestinal upset” a number of times.     

Yes, but Will the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Help Me to Lose Weight? 

It’s done wonders for Megan Fox, who has been quoted as saying (about the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet), “It’s just water and raw apple cider vinegar, and it just cleans out your system totally. I’m not one for dieting or exercising ’cause I’m lazy, and I have a really big sweet tooth, so I have to do cleanses every once in a while.”   

Due to its ability to help the body break down fats and aid in suppressing appetite, I believe apple cider vinegar can help shed pounds.   

What Type of Apple Cider Vinegar is Best? 

You can use regular old apple cider vinegar that you buy at your local grocery store, but some feel it may not be as effective as raw organic ACV that contains the “mother” (made up of bacteria and living nutrients).  This type of vinegar is recognized by the spider-web appearance of the mother and sediment floating along the bottom of the bottle.  Please note that raw organic apple cider vinegar is thought to contain aflatoxin, which is a toxic mold that may cause cancer.  (For further information, please see Dr. Hulda Clark’s The Cure for All Diseases.)

I add a small amount of powdered Vitamin C to the raw organic apple cider vinegar that I purchase, which may kill the mold. 

How Much Apple Cider Vinegar is Beneficial? 

In general, most people advocate 2 teaspoons of ACV in 8 ounces of water 3 times a day.  However, in 2008, the website began recommending 2 teaspoons of ACV in 16 ounces of water to be sipped throughout the day.  This is the dosage I tend to follow.  You’ll have to decide for yourself how much to take.  You might want to sip it through a straw, as ACV can be hard on your tooth enamel. 

If you have just a few pounds to lose, you might give the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet a try.  For those who have more to lose or if you’re looking for a healthy lifestyle change, please visit here to find out more about the doctor-developed Detox Diet I recommend.  Here’s to your weight loss success!