Lose Weight Fast and Safe

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If you are looking to lose weight fast and safe, please don’t overlook one important cause of excess weight – toxic overload.

How Toxic Overload Happens

If you’re like most people, the extra weight you’re carrying has come on slowly, usually over a few years.  Your eating habits may not have changed, but your metabolism has slowed down and you’ve packed on the pounds. 


Let’s Look at the Digestion Process: 

As we chew our food, it mixes with saliva and begins the digestion process.  Digestion continues in the stomach and on into the small intestine, where the food is broken down into even smaller particles. 

These tiny particles, along with any toxins in or on our food (such as pesticides or preservatives), continue on to the liver, which attempts to extract the toxins and other inert matter and gets it ready for excretion.

The liver tries to change the toxin into something that can be eliminated by the kidneys.

If the kidneys can’t handle it, the toxin is returned by the liver to the small intestine for elimination through the colon.  The liver will also send toxins to your skin or lymph system, for elimination that way or even to your lungs for elimination through your breath.

Your liver tries to keep your body running like a well-oiled machine.  When there is an excess amount of toxins built up in your system, the liver isn’t able to work as efficiently. 

What Does This Have to do with Weight loss? 

When the liver becomes sluggish due to toxic overload, the body begins storing toxins in our tissues, cells, joints, organs, and even our bones.  We begin putting on weight and wonder why. 


Time for a Body Detox 

Dr. Mauro has designed a three-week detox plan that is easy and inexpensive to follow.  It’s time to get to the root cause of your weight gain.  Lose weight fast and safe by visiting Dr. Mauro’s 3-Week Detox & Vitality Diet Plan.